ネッド・グッドウィン MW のスペシャル・コラム 第3回 〜先だっての記事に対する所感〜

<After That Article by Ned Goodwin MW>
( the original text is following this translation )
結局、日本のワイン消費量は1998年以来、一人当たりたったの約2ℓで停滞しているのだ(編注:2013年 2.78ℓ)。むろん、日本には酒サケ、日本酒(日本ではこう呼ぶ)という素晴らしい文化的財産があるのはわかっている。日本には伝統的にワイン・カルチャーがないので、ワインと料理を合わせる時には決まってワインを特別視した、何か仕切りをしたような食事になってしまうのだ。だが、ワインが目新しい文化では、大体似たり寄ったり。なにより、私は文化の押し付けには非常に敏感である。
日本ほどワイン市場が瀕死状態の国で、こんなことが問題の核心なのだろうか。私は、ひょっとしたらそうではないかと思っている/ 私はそうではないかとにらんでいる。これが問題にできるだろうか。できると思う。日本ソムリエ協会によって言いふらされている「クラシック」という単語に従順な平均的な日本のソムリエは、成長しつつある自宅での消費者層、本当にパフォーマンスの良いワインーつまりニューワールド、南ローヌ、スペインなどーに興味のある顧客層とはほぼ無関係なのである。影響力は無い。
(text by Ned Goodwin MW / translated by Ai Nakashima)
I was flattered and a little overwhelmed by the response to my last piece……Aside from these pages, the article was also published on Jancis Robinson’s Purple Pages, for which I was most grateful.
( the original title of the first piece, as in Prestige magazine. Japan and Wine: the Galapagos Effect.)
The article was translated by a few Japanese bloggers of their own volition. One site received 34,000 hits in two-days. Presumably, the topic proved stimulating, whether readers agreed with the views expressed or not.
Another influential western wine writer, Steve Heimoff, also picked up on the piece and used it as a platform to draw an interesting parallel between Japan’s Lost Generation and America’s young Millennials.
After all, as in the US, Japan’s Lost Generation grew up in a society where money was plentiful as it still is for most. Yet in Japan wages spiral downwards, unemployment is high for university graduates seeking opportunities to implement new ideas and inequality, as in so many developed lands, grows.
Change seems distant in Japan. Seizing the responsibility necessary to implement change, be it with wine or otherwise, resonates with a resolute urgency as the drudgery of perpetual recession, the risks of Fukushima and a right-leaning government demand acknowledgment of one’s moral code more than ever.
Heimoff notes that America’s Millennials, similarly affected by seismic quakes in the social fabric due to September 11, The War Against Terror and the Lehman Crisis, have reacted rather differently to the challenges of change and this incorporates an energetic approach to wine that is giddy, effusive and wonderful.
Many of the new American brigade, as in Australia where I largely reside, have embraced wine’s variety as intrinsic to exploration; a joyful path. They imbibe, talk and most importantly, sell wines across varieties, cultures, styles and varying philosophies. After all, to sell is not a dirty phrase, but imperative to sharing and communicating the joy of wine.
Good salespeople in any land suggest, entice and encourage. Getting bums on seats in on-trade venues while willing customers to try something new, be it in restaurants, bars, wine stores and/or in the home, increases sales and consumption by getting wine into glasses.
My experience in the US indicates that a great many Americans do this particularly well and do not see themselves above selling as, I would suggest, do a great number of Japanese sommeliers.
After all, consumption levels of wine in Japan have stagnated at around a mere two-litres per capita since 1998. Yes, I know that Japan boasts wonderful cultural assets in its sake, or Nihonshuu, as it is locally known. I also acknowledge that Japan lacks a traditional wine culture and offers compartmentalised dining that demands attention when it comes to wine pairing. Yet most cultures new to wine are not so different. I am, most of all, very wary of imposing one’s culture on another.
Regional Chinese such as Cantonese, let alone Szechuan; or Thai cuisine, for example, can be more challenging to wine than Japanese. In any event, is it not possible to enjoy sake as with other regionally specific alcohols, alongside beer, wine and other options?
Is it not possible, for example, to pair a slew of rosés that work well if not necessarily perfect, with irreverent Izakaya fare? With more sommeliers in Japan per capita than anywhere outside of Italy, one would think so. Where are those sommeliers or other gatekeepers bringing joy, driving curiosity, filling glasses…moving sales?
And here lies the rub. A good sommelier may know a great deal about wine and his or her efforts to acquire that knowledge are admirable be it in the US, Japan, or elsewhere. Yet, in essence, he or she is a salesperson. If one finds the notion irksome, it is time to explore alternate avenues of working with wine or, perhaps, to find another career path altogether.
Could this be an issue in a wine market as moribund as Japan? I suspect so. The average sommelier in Japan, hewn to a message bandied about as ‘classic’ by the Japan Sommelier Association but, in fact, largely irrelevant for the growing in-home consumer base curious about real value-be it found in the New World, southern Rhône, Spain or elsewhere…anywhere-fails to make an impact.
Poor sales across wine’s many categories, often excused by a perceived affinity for so-called ‘classic’ regions, ring dry. Quality is so often forsaken in the Japanese on-premise, for low-priced wines. As mentioned before, these include inexpensive Bordeaux (a convenient scapegoat perhaps, but by no means a slight to the quality wines that exist from the region), Chile or other low quality ‘name’ wines from elsewhere. These have little binding affiliation as a category aside from price, yet the ‘heritage’ card is played when at all possible due to
a lack of knowledge and, dare I say it, an inability to suggest…to sell.
Let us remember that the very best international wine salespeople, be they sommeliers such as Paul Greico at New York’s Terroir, David Rosoff at Los Angeles’ Mozza and Daniel Wegener at Perth’s Print Hall, as with so many others, exude enthusiasm, yet deftly move in the shadow of wine and its incandescent glow, rather than dissecting it in order that they loom over it with an indecipherable grasp of minutiae that intimidates and bores the poor consumer that has to listen. Those with medals and taste-vins dangling from lapels-so often sighted in Japan-take note.
The better wine salespeople reference the classics and stalwarts, respecting their enduring presence; while also peeking into the new zeitgeist of the orange, fizzy and charmingly faulty; the pristine and altitudinal, from faraway lands and local terroirs alike. Low alcohol Australian Semillon, perhaps?
The best wine salespeople push the envelope, shape tastes and just when you thought it was safe to drink another glass of Poulsard from the Jura, they discover something new to whet our imagination and palate with…something as simple as the power of suggestion!
After all, wine is a postcard in the mind’s eye that whisks us to beautiful places otherwise, perhaps, unreachable. Most importantly, the best wine salespeople share their enthusiasm, knowledge and joy. They promote diversity.
Admittedly, selling is limited by numerous cultural strictures. For example, the use of personal anecdotes to enthuse, while enquiring about budget to frame a sale, are culturally acceptable in the US as they are in most Western cultures.
In Japan, as with other Asian cultures however, complex face-saving devices mean that talk about money is a faux pas. These same devices frequently (but not always) mean that suggesting new styles of wine, upselling to superior quality and suggesting alternatives to the familiar, may result in loss of face for the customer and/or the salesperson.
At risk of flogging a dead horse, I was asked by the editor of a Japanese wine site to write about my thoughts when penning the last piece and the anxiety I felt while writing it. I felt anxiety, of course. Yet while I remain fond of Japan after spending a great number of my formative years there, forming lifelong friendships and spiritual connections, I wrote what I felt needed to be said about the wine scene there.
In response, too, came a piece from the American writer Alder Yarrow. Alder challenged the veracity of my claims by pointing out the number of wonderful wine bars, independent retailers and restaurants that offer great grower Champagnes, ‘natural’ wines and other iconoclastic offerings. He is right to some extent, but so what? After all, it is easy to list Clos Rougeard, ‘natural’ wine and others of its ilk. It is far more difficult to sell however, and the ability to suggest, enthuse and thus to sell, is where so many Japanese wine workers fall short.
After all, there will always be those of the geek niche to lap the wonderful and curious up, for Japan is, if anything, full of wonderful geeks. However, geeks communicating with other geeks does not a healthy wine community make.
In fact, I would go a step further than Alder and state that Tokyo is a wine drinker’s paradise for those who know where to go. Prices are reasonable and the wine selection is second only to New York and London, perhaps. However, the sort of places that Alder cites as evidence of the blossoming of Japan’s wine scene are highly esoteric and in stark contrast to the majority of stores and on-trade outlets, many with accredited sommeliers on their staff, who fail to sell bottles or wine by-the-glass in excess of JPY 800-1200. This is all despite Tokyo being one of the most expensive cities on earth!
Subsequently, a majority (but not all) of consumers have become acclimatised to little but low priced wines of middling quality in such an environment due to, I believe, a lack of courage and the inability of buyers, sommeliers and others responsible for driving trends, tastes and sales to-AGAIN-suggest, enthuse and to offer real value in a recessionary market.
Instead, as I noted in my last piece, many opt for the easy way out, which is to say risk-averse, well known regional brands at low and lower price points. These include-sorry Alder-bottom of the barrel Bordeaux, industrial Chile and wines that have been dumped from other markets where they are unsaleable.
For every good wine offering in the on and/or off-trades, I can venture to ten fold more influential businesses with little but dross on hand. Still, the prerequisite sommelier will likely be there with a twirled foil and tastevin glinting as a metaphor for a future that is largely show and sheen, rather than indicative of any visceral feel or love for wine.
Thus, in a nutshell, loving wine is to revel in servitude to something that is often inexplicable; something that brings joy; something that should be mystified as much as demystified for to pretend to understand it to a quantifiable nth degree is not to understand at all; but most of all, to comprehend that no matter the titles, badges or ornaments that dangle from our garb; wine must be brought to the curious, thirsty and eager. With this, wine must be suggested, poured and sold across categories sans dull prejudices…
preferably with conviction.
Ned Goodwin MW